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ahoy there, small business

You, yes you! You inspire the heck out of us.


When you aren’t busy wearing ALL the hats to keep your business running smoothly, you’re looking ahead to the next big thing. You’re a mover, shaker, candlestick maker and all around badass innovator!


Hats off to you, friend.

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But in the midst of all this hustle and bustle, it can hit you: am I sharing my awesome brand story with the right people? Is my journey getting the attention it deserves?


Maybe not: enter ANCHOR

We absolutely love learning your story and finding the best ways to share it. While we can’t run your business for you (you’ve totally got it anyways!), we can help you navigate those turbulent social media seas.


Because let’s face it, sailing those social media seas alone is SCARY.


They say ‘X’ marks the spot, but what is ‘X’ and how do you get there? Get on board with us and we’ll set your sails in the right direction, to help get you where you want to be.


Better yet, where you deserve to be.

That all sounds great, but how do we get there?

Our proven process gets you thinking of your audience first. They are the hero of your story after all, making you their trusted guide. We show you what an awesome guide you are by honing in on your brand’s value, while highlighting the problems you solve everyday.


Look at you, you have so much value to offer!


We clarify your voice, image and direction on social media. Now you know exactly what to say, when to say it, who to say it to and where to say it. With a beautiful visual guide to back it up, of course.

Ready to set your social media journey on the right course?

Join us for a 3-month voyage and get ready to bring your social media to where it needs to be.*



Your very own content guide to map out your goals, audience, brand voice, key messages and visual direction



Accountability through a customized coaching session, from yours truly



Direction on where, when, why and how to use social media to support your audience



Your own content calendar with a bank of posts to keep your posting on track



Good habits to give you the confidence and consistently to regularly show up



A photo session to give you visuals to make it all come together

*full package starts at $2,500 + GST


Think of us as your outsourced social media team.

We use our proven methods and years of experience to seamlessly take social media from a HAVE-TO to a DONE.


Ready to set your social media journey on the right course?

Drop us a line and let's set sail!

Thanks for submitting!

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